What should universities be?

In November 2018, we held a symposium called ‘What should universities be?’ where we sought to clarify what universities should be and to identify the changes required in public perception, industry connections, and government policy that affects universities.

Our premise was that Australia and other modern societies increasingly need academically well-functioning universities. Students and their academic teachers form the core of every university, but corporatised university businesses now largely disregard this, with detrimental effects on academic life and the ability to undertake high quality research and teaching. The symposium was held in the New Law School Building on Camperdown Campus.

Read a summary report of the event (pdf, 387KB).

New Law Building exterior

Event highlights

During the two-day symposium we covered:

  • resolutions on scholarship and education.
  • the university in society
  • the current state of affairs and problem areas
  • what intellectual capital is
  • academic standards worth maintaining
  • future students, teaching and research
  • what the role of management is
  • how much management and how many administrators are necessary
  • selection criteria for the ideal Vice-Chancellor

Presentations and resources

Event resources

Program (pdf, 1MB)
Speaker biographies (pdf, 83KB)
Opening address – extended abstract (pdf, 67KB)Professor Stephen Garton, Provost
The politics of higher education – extended abstract (pdf, 23KB)Professor John Hewson AM
Why is the market for degrees different to the market for apples? Asymmetric information and higher education – extended abstract (pdf, 277KB)Tony Asporomourgos
Aligning institutional incentives with good social outcomes – extended abstract (pdf, 73KB)Ross Gittins, Economics Editor, the Sydney Morning Herald
Keynote lecture: who or what leads a university in 2018? – full presentation (pdf, 125KB)Professor Sir Eric Thomas, Vice Chancellor (to 2016), University of Bristol, UK
How can universities best prepare students for the future of work? – full presentation (pdf, 98KB)Professor Peter Shergold, Chancellor Western Sydney University
Images and representations of the University: from Cardinal Newman to Ernst and Young – PowerPoint presentation (pdf, 516KB)Professor Joseph Davis
Global and local: what should a top international university be? (pdf, 153KB)Professor John Hearn
Australian Conference (Association) of University Professors and close of conference – PowerPoint presentation (pdf, 8MB)Professor Manuel Graeber

Related resources

How professors ceded their authority – articleChad Wellmon, the Chronicle of Higher Education
Empty administration – articleAndré Spicer, the Guardian
The fight for free speech: what it means for universities (pdf, 8MB)Professor Richard Fisher